The wooden prayer cross on the lawn of the church is constructed of 4x6" lumber and is covered with chicken wire to provide a place where people can insert prayers, photos or other objects of personal/spiritual significance. One of our members has attached a ribbon to the crossbar for each day the pandemic has been going on. The crown of thorns was attached on Good Friday.
For Easter Sunday the thorns and purple robe were removed and flowers, mostly daffodils, were inserted in the wire, covering the cross.
Our Pentecost installation has traditionally been over the top, and the outdoor venue took it to new heights. The organza streams from the attic vent window, pouring down onto the cross below. Posting this photo on the church's Facebook page resulted in a reach of over 125,000 — the first time we’ve had something like this go viral. Story and photos were featured in Presbyterians Today magazine.
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