Large Scale Installation Projects

COVID-19 Projects

David Teich

Graphic communication is emerging as an essential element of worship services. My work encompasses several projects throughout the church year; I have built a team of members who conceptualize, design, and execute works of visual, graphic and decorative art that enhance the quality of worship, communication and even healing within the church, by direct involvement in creating the worship environment. It serves a need for more inclusive, engaging, and contemporary worship activity, and appeals to a broader and younger demographic of members.



Projects are timed to coincide with seasonal and church calendar events. The Sanctuary and Narthex are the areas we focus on. The general structure of the projects is an initial concept session focusing on a scriptural theme. Reflection and personal expression are developed into a design concept. Subsequent sessions allow for detailed planning, execution and installation.

It's no secret that 2020 was a challenging year. Due to the pandemic, our sanctuary was off limits, so we moved our liturgical art operations outside, utilizing the entire grounds of the church. This challenged our creativity as well as stretching our faith and resulted in some pretty spectacular, and sometimes surprising, developments. See our COVID-19 work here.

Project Updates 2014-2015

Project updates for 2014-2015 included rebuilding the World Communion Globes, replacing the Advent paper hangings with fabric, and adding major elements to the Pentecost installation.


Print and Church Publication Design

Sacred Photography Class

Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, NJ, offers classes in Sacred Photography, in which scripture passages are interpreted using the camera. Some of the images here are (left to right) Luke 9:51-56; Matthew 7:13-14; Job 38 (also the following image); and Luke 18:18-30.

Sacred Spaces


Still Life




At First Presbyterian I created Connections, the weekly calendar publication, including layout, photography, typography and illustration. A few sample links are shown here.

Most of our members access it for information on church schedules, committee meetings, Christian Education, commitment rosters, and special events.



In His Image - Art Ministry ePub

A complete catalog of all major installation projects:  World Communion Sunday, Stewardship, Advent, Lent, Easter, Penetecost, Ordinary Time. Self-published.

Detailed illustrations outline the processes used for installation, and provide inspiration for churches interested in art ministry.

Available for download on the iBooks store.


Proposal for an Art Ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown

The original proposal, presented in 2011, including projected installation ideas, many of which were implemented, and a rationale for including an art ministry in church worship services.


Graphic Design and Illustration

All content © 2021 David Teich. All images are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without prior written permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content or embedded metadata.